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It is estimated that around 80% of people are deficient in magnesium which can lead to all kids of problems. Did you know Magnesium is part of over 300 biochemical reactions in the body? This is why low magnesium levels are linked to many ailments, our body needs it!

Magnesium oil is a blend of magnesium chloride flakes and water. Magnesium oil is not actually an oil, however it feels like one when applied in spray form. When mixed together, a “brine” is created that has an oily feel.

There are many ways to absorb magnesium, including magnesium baths but who has time to sit in a bath everyday and oral Magnesium but it can cause GI upset. So supplementing with topical magnesium allows for us to absorb the magnesium, through our largest organ and straight into our cells and avoid any unwanted GI issues.

If you’ve used a topical magnesium in the past, you may know about the itchy and tingly sensations you can get during the first uses. This is caused by magnesium deficiencies and once your body has absorbed a proper amount, the tingly and itchiness will no longer happen. But so many people discontinue use because of that unwanted sensation, so I’ve infused mine with gentle skin soothing herbs to help eliminate that sensation as much as possible. It is essential oil free, so the light pleasant scent in each bottle is directly from the actual herbs infused in.

This is available in a regular and double strength formula.

Regular Strength is great for children and elderly!

Extra Strength is ideal for those with extra chronic soreness, fatigue, and overall more severe magnesium deficiency.

***Because Magnesium Mist has a high magnesium content, tingly/itchiness may occur if you are magnesium deficient. Start with a few spritz on your feet daily. Never spray on fresh shaved skin.  

Herbal Magnesium Oil Spray (Regular & Double Strength)

PriceFrom $22.00


    Processing time is 1-3 days from the time your order is placed. Average shipping time is 3-4 business days and tracking will always be provided upon shipping. 





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